Bridging Simplified: SpookySwap’s Fantom Bridge is Now Live

Spooky Swap
4 min readJul 9, 2021

In our latest SpookySwap Developer Update, we described our significant undertaking to bring new tools for bridging tokens onto Fantom Opera in a more secure and user friendly front end as a priority for growing the Fantom Foundation ecosystem. We’re happy to announce that the SpookySwap Fantom bridge is now live, supporting more than 20 different tokens.

SpookySwap’s Fantom Bridge supports the ETH and BSC networks as well as over 20 tokens

Our team made the decision to focus on an improved bridge in order to further our goal of making SpookySwap the forefront of Fantom DeFi. This bridge is also in response to common troubleshooting questions asked in our community Discord. We’re very grateful for the help our moderators and community members have provided for new users having difficulty bridging tokens onto Fantom Opera, and we are excited to provide a streamlined and user-friendly experience to simplify the bridging process. As an added bonus, we hope new community members will be familiar with SpookySwap and our partners from the moment they bridge liquidity onto the Fantom Opera network.

Our interface improves the bridging experience by removing unrelated network and token options.

Anyswap currently supports several networks and tokens no longer in active development or not actively used on Fantom Opera. Our token menu will only display the tokens supported by SpookySwap Farms and other protocols on Fantom Opera. By supporting the Binance Smart Chain and ethereum networks in an easy to use interface, we hope to encourage the bridging of additional liquidity onto the entire Fantom network. We will continue to update our bridge with new tokens as Fantom grows based on availability in Anyswap.

ETH <> FTM Supported Tokens


BSC <> FTM Supported Tokens


How To Bridge

1. Select Networks and Token

First, select the networks you’d like to bridge to and from. One of the networks must be Fantom as the SpookySwap bridge does not support bridging from ETH to BSC or BSC to ETH. Then, select a token that you’d like to bridge.

2. Enter the Amount

After selecting the token, select the amount you would like to bridge. Each token has a minimum and maximum amount supported by Anyswap. Bridging tokens other than FTM onto the Fantom network will not incur a fee! There will still be a fee for all tokens when transferring off of the Fantom network.

3. Click “Bridge Token”.

Soon after entering your amount, the Bridge Token button will become active. Clicking will be followed by a MetaMask popup finalizing the transaction. The received amount will automatically deduct the price of the fee. If your transaction takes longer than 24 hours, you can force the transaction through using the Anyswap Explorer Tools.

Bridging ETH

A link in the description reminds you to wrap Ethereum

Native Ethereum will first need to be wrapped to be brought off the Ethereum mainnet. The SpookySwap Bridge will remind you to first wrap Ethereum and provide a link to do this on the SpookySwap website.

Wrapping Ethereum can be completed on the SpookySwap Bridge

Enter the amount of ETH to wrap in our popup modal, and then click the “Wrap” button. After confirming the transaction in your MetaMask popup, you will be able to bridge your wETH.

Bridge in Process

Look for the popup in the top right of your screen to confirm the bridge has begun

Once the transaction is confirmed, a toast appears showing the progress of Anyswap confirming the bridge transaction in the top right of your window.

A green checkmark next to Deposit shows the first transaction has completed

Once AnySwap confirms the first transaction, it will change to a green check mark and the transaction on the chain you are bridging to will begin. You can check the transaction by clicking “transfer”.

Two green checkmarks shows the bridge is complete

A second green check mark will appear next to “Transfer” when the second transaction is confirmed. Your bridge is now complete! If this does not appear, you can force the transaction through using Explorer Tools.

The SpookySwap bridge will expand support to additional tokens based on community requests and availability on Anyswap. We encourage our members to provide feedback in our community Discord or Telegram. Additional information on how to use the SpookySwap bridge is available in our documentation page.

