SpookySwap Forum Competition and Giveaway
The SpookySwap team is launching our Forum as a new way to interact with the growing FTM and BOO community. To celebrate the forum going live, we’re launching both a DD competition and random giveaway for a total of 15 BOO in prizes!

Competition Rules:
- Must be a member of the SpookySwap Forum
- Create a Due Diligence (DD) post about the value of Fantom Opera or SpookySwap as an investment
- Must be your own original work
- The most upvoted DD post by Friday (14/1/22) UTC 23:59 will win 10 BOO!
Giveaway Rules:
- Must be a member of the SpookySwap Forum by Friday (14/1/22) UTC 23:59
- Must link your wallet address to your forum account page
- That’s it! After Friday, we will randomly select a member’s wallet to send 5 BOO!
Make sure your submissions reference SpookySwap or Fantom in order to be eligible. Please do not submit anything that defames or attacks other platforms or protocols. The more effort the better, but anything that can show the growth potential or investment strategies available on Fantom are great! You can use the Discussion posts on /r/cryptocurrency for format ideas or inspiration
Good luck and Stay Spooky!